The future of artificial intelligence is not to get the last and best algorithm, but in the specific knowledge in each field of application about the relevant data and its application of artificial intelligence algorithms to extract that relevant information from ls data that we To be more effective or to be more effective in the complex decisions that daily problems present to us in the world of business, sports, science, education, etc.
Therefore the future is in our hands, or in the hands of those experts in each field on which they want to apply Artificial Intelligence.
It is clear that the automation of processes thanks to this artificial intelligence will replace many jobs, but in reality and in those functions more complex or that will always depend on human responsibility, Artificial Intelligence will be a real time assistant that will help us increase Our effectiveness in decision making.
One of these fields is sports training.
With more or less depth in the study of physiology, human biomechanics, biological markers of recovery, adaptation, etc., in the end the simplest and most difficult decisions remain in the hands of a coach who, based on his experience, sometimes Limited. An assistant based on Artificial Intelligence that helps us in decision making based on those data that we create relevant and that we can capture, in a more or less automated way, our athletes through the great variety of devices and wereables that are being Developing will be one of the fastest and most intuitive development paths in the field of sports training.
Coaches and many athletes have always been dedicated to collecting information, data, our training diaries are worth gold but we have never been able to take much advantage of them beyond a posteriori analysis. With tools such as BigML and our knowledge and data we can develop applications that allow us to optimize our training decisions by maximizing both the information we take (Input) and the variability of the subjects we apply the training to, as the Individualization of it is an essential part of success.
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